Mothers Fighting For Others
December 15, 2022
Dear Friends and Family,
As 2022 is coming to the end the MFFO family wishes everyone a very special Holiday Season and a very happy and healthy New Year while we celebrate this special time of each year.
We have worked hard and steadily with our college girls and are so proud to let everyone know that Jessica and Joyce received their university diploma in 2022! The MFFO team is so very proud of both young ladies having worked hard to now go into the world to make their dreams a reality! Our work is not finished because (25) Primary and High School girls
working hard to make their dreams of a higher education a reality and are looking to MFFO for continued financial help while the (18) remaining College/University girls need our support until their graduation. For MFFO to continue their support for that great education we ask you and your friends to help the team with your financial gift to make the girls’ dream a reality by going on the website for a sponsorship or monthly donation. While on our website you will find that we have started our year end fundraiser for ticket sales of four great items to be auctioned off. Tickets bought before the holidays they make great gifts. Tickets cost $20.00/item. Please share our fundraiser with your friends. Your ticket purchases will help our girls in Kenya and make a big difference in their lives.
As we mentioned in our October newsletter, we have put together a picture brochure of the girls’ whose pictures were available to us for you to see the smiles your continued support and generosity has done to all those girls that started their new lives at St. Monica in 2009 and beyond. The MFFO board along with me is so very grateful for your love and support
during the past years. We would also appreciate your opinion of our work on the website and social media sites for the world and future donors to see what good work and donations can make to the lives of not so fortunate and orphaned girls in Kenya. Our mission is still
Helping Orphaned Girls Become Powerful Women!
Mothers Fighting For Others is a non-profit 501( c) (3) organization (IRS EI#36-0320699). Thank you for your continued efforts to support such a worthy cause. Please do not hesitate to contact me at with any questions or concerns you may have.
With sincere gratitude and warm regards,
Audrey Forshey
Mothers Fighting for Others ( – P O Box 1915 – Carolina Beach, NC 28428 – FEIN: #26-0320699